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Abandoned Baby Elephant Befriends Dog

The Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa typically takes in and rehabilitates rhinos who have become orphaned because of the African poaching crisis. But one baby elephant who was brought into the orphanage was not a victim of poaching.

Maths Professor’s Epic Elaborate Prank

On April Fools this year, this uni professor pretended to fix a mark on his projector with the help of a Youtube video of himself. Matthew Weathers has been pranking his uni students with hilarious video tricks every year on April Fools as far back as 2009.

Worship Leader Wins The Voice U.S.

It was a personal tragedy that led Knoxville worship leader, Chris Blue to audition for The Voice US. When his fiancé Stephanie Dunkley underwent a bone cancer transplant to save her life, Chris realised just how fleeting life was.

If adults pretended to act like toddlers

If you’re not a parent, do you ever wonder why a mum or dad laughs when you even so breathe the words, “I’m exhausted”? That’s probably because they’re rearing 1-3 year olds who do stuff like what you’re about to see in this video reenacted by a grown adult woman.