Being Your Daughter’s Hero

In this Focus On The Family podcast Dr. Michelle Watson explores the connection between a father and his daughter, offering encouragement and practical ways you can “click” with your daughter. You’ll hear stories and inspiration to enrich that special relationship.

If wedding vows were re-written for 2017

I vow to take you my wife, to have and to hold the camera at an Instagram-opportune time till death do us part. Oh 2017. In the year of unprecedented social media dependence, Collective Noun’s sketch comedy on modern day vows is concerningly accurate.

The forgotten wonders of being a mother

Mother’s Day might be a day when you can expect chocolate and flowers, but it’s also a good day to reflect on what being a mother means. In the ups and downs of life we can sometimes forget that being a mother is a special role that connects one generation to another.

Dad makes Disney costumes for his kids

For some people, fond childhood memories consist of the magical combination of dress up and imagination. If your dress ups were anything like mine though, they looked mostly like I’d rummaged through an op shop of random fabrics, not full blown costumes. Enter: Designer Daddy.